how alike, breakup & death
in a dream
J was telling me
that I didn't really love her
I took it calmly
because I was sure it was
not true
when it is gone
is a gentle exile
when she goes
you will think of days
when you had her
and become used to
horrible things
the realization that
many others still love me
but from now on my death
will kill no one
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another wee poem, from the new collection i am working on....
works in progress, comments welcome
This story has no tags.
from now on my death
will kill no one
thanks for reading, samuel
Each death diminishes but some more than others. *
thank you for reading, dianne--
i am still tweaking this one....
"in a dream
J was telling me
that I didn't really love her
I took it calmly
because I was sure it was
not true"
"many others still love me"
i added a few stanzas just now, in the middle... still working with this one...
Some dreams may surely die.*
when it is gone
is a gentle exile
thank you kitty, tim and brenda---- cheers--g