Sequence Instead of Services on Sunday
by Gary Hardaway
From a Warehouse of Nouns
What we see is always and only human
though augmented by lenses we devise-
the microscope, the telescope, our
diction, syntax and grammar, the great
listening array of dished radiotelescopes.
It always comes down to the ocular nerve,
the small bones of the inner ear, our
insubstantial nerves and a highly selective
intelligence lodged in a wrinkled
ball of tissue. We reach for things and objects
made of ever smaller things and objects
in a dazzling field of experience
we only vaguely understand. What right
have we but to go on looking and listening
for a greater language out of which we have identified
a few small verbs and warehouses full of nouns?
From an activity prompted and informed, in part, by two easy pieces:
Digging, by Heaney, and Wodwo, by Hughes.
Closed Systems are Imaginary
We cannot watch
the molecules of cantaloupe
corrupt vanilla ice cream
only taste their
stealthy conquest,
Writerly Admonition
If you can't be great
at least be generous.
You find a way of making poems
you believe and make them.
Other ways exist.
You can find them, too,
and not surround yourself
with armor plate and helmet
as you twirl a stone-armed sling
above your head.

Fascinating work. "Multivalent" was the most challenging (and ultimately my favorite).
Nice set.
Thank you, Amanda and Sally.