We watch the news together every day.
10 minutes total.
Flashes of tragedy broken up with fluffy current events.
I focus on the tragic, moved and hurting;
I want to be in every place at once, doing every thing at once.
But in my small corner with these 29 minds, we discuss sandwiches vs. hot dogs,
instead of plane crashes
and Myanmar.
And I'm glad that they have intuitively chosen
the correct things for 13-year-olds to worry about.
Ooo, that last thought. A sublimely snippy snippet. *
Agree with Mathew. *
Do we choose the stories or do the stories choose us?
I think changing "about" to over would sound better
Thank you, Matthew and Rachna. Much appreciated.
Gary - precisely!
Samuel - I am going back and forth. I like the suggestion. We shall see. :)
* I love snippets!
*, Emily. What a good, accurate way to open this piece.
Snippets are quite lovely, particularly this one. *
FM, David, and Brenda - thank you so much. I'm feeling encouraged, for better or worse, by your feedback.
love it. (me being such a critic of mainstream news channels!)