by David James
Did we ever walk together long?
We walked apart much longer.
Are we the same, unsaid,
Or more different than you imagined?
Are you amazed I still stand,
Here and in this room,
So brazen to show my lined, scarred face,
So bold to live and speak aloud?
Can you recognize yourself
In my camouflaged words?
Do I wait for you or run from you?
Dare you define the pull?
The one that brought us here?
Will it bring us back again?
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Somethin' heavy is being laid down here, me thinks. Me likes it.
A good poem, David.
"Are we the same, unsaid,
Or more different than you imagined?"
I like.
Very nice.
Michael, Sam and Steven, thanks for taking time to read this one. It was on my old Mac. Had been for a while. I exhumed it.