But then the fires. Popping up from asphalt. I got the impression they were made from velvet or cloth, uneasy make-believe things from a sly dream-game. They also seemed that they could have appeared from a magician's trick or quirk of nature not understood as of yet.
Soon I realized they were real.
But that wasn't the thing.
None of that was the thing at all.
The problem was that as I tried to put them out, they multiplied almost exponentially. It was their time, and they knew it. This is where their determination came from.
What would I do?
I tried as best I could to step on them with deliberate force and rightly placed moves. They rose and rose and as I turned around I saw another one, more grandiose than the rest, reaching with too much competence towards the overcast earth ceiling.
With all the invocations and prayers I had made beforehand, I wondered, even as I raced in vain to put them out, what they represented, and what I had done to deserve them.
I knew I was in all kinds of trouble.
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"I was gonna try to stare into infinity and had high hopes."
Right there with ya :)
thanks Carol :-)
really enjoyed reading this!