That a stripper's skill
set would be so readily transferrable
to waitressing was a bit of a shock
But the creamy salon toned
tan and the cutesy cock of her hip
as she explained to a table full of happy hour
what delicious items they could have
from this evening's menu
began to give her away
the better the flirt, the better the tip
as we all know regardless
of what side of the table
we have located ourselves
I felt sorry for her hair
She clung to the blonde bottle a little too long
but managed to keep the bounce and spin in her step
with legs that will only grow more tired
and eye contact that betrays no fear
only the hope of appropriately
generous compensation for her
energy and performance
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135 words
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just wondering what one does when age and job skills narrow one's career options
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Wonderful sketch.*
Love it. "eye contact that betrays no fear" nailed it for me. *
The options dwindle.
'I felt sorry for her hair' and the verse that follows perfectly completes the image. Great! *
'I felt sorry for her hair' and the verse that follows perfectly completes the image. Great! *