Forum / Meeting With Meg:

  • Nv_kid.thumb
    Ramon Collins
    Apr 01, 07:59pm

    On the site, Fiction Writers Review, Lee Thomas conducts an interesting interview with Meg Pokrass, the Wonder Woman of Flash fiction. The interview concerns the recent release of her Flash anthology, Damn Sure Right. Here's an excerpt from the article that made me say, "Yes!":

    "More important than anything in flash fiction is what is not told or said. A story’s intentional “holes” often sing louder than what is written. Absence speaks worlds. I search for this when writing, trying to find a way to allow the writing to get out of the way!"

    Read the interview here:

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    Mark Reep
    Apr 03, 05:44pm

    Loved this interview. Good useful inspiring stuff.

  • Gloriamindock200x274.thumb
    Gloria Mindock
    Apr 04, 06:51pm

    Great interview!

  • Linda.thumb
    Linda Simoni-Wastila
    Apr 05, 01:35am

    Wondermous interview! Peace...

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    James Lloyd Davis
    Apr 05, 01:53am

    Meg is everywhere! A good thing.

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