Forum / Chapbooks...

  • Dsc01252new.thumb
    Jules Archer
    Sep 29, 09:12pm

    Someone could have posted a topic on this before...and since I am technologically challenged and can't find a "search" on Fnaut...

    Can anyone refer me to a good site with info about Chapbooks? The best to use? The worst...

    Thank you for the info!



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    Matthew A. Hamilton
    Sep 29, 09:48pm

    I'm still researching chapbooks myself. Here is one I like:

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    Kait Mauro
    Oct 01, 06:18pm

    I remember researching this... it's harder to find valuable information than you might think. I'd recommend going to an indie-type bookstore and looking at some of the very slim, "chapbook-like" poetry collections they have there. Some good inspiration to be found in those. Bonne chance!

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    Linda Simoni-Wastila
    Oct 01, 06:53pm

    I can vouch for BigTable -- I've had a couple of pieces in their chaps -- and am contemplating a chapbook of my own with them. Robin Stratton, editor of Boston Literary Magazine, is involved with BigTable. I'm happy to refer. Peace...

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    Brian Mihok
    Oct 02, 06:34pm

    Tarpaulin Sky Press ( always puts out good chapbooks. As does Rain Taxi ( Also, tiny indie presses like Agnes Fox Press ( There are many small presses like these that are putting out really good stuff.

  • Dsc01252new.thumb
    Jules Archer
    Oct 02, 08:00pm

    Thanks to all. Appreciate the feedback...

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