Forum / Editor's Eye returns to Fictionaut!

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    Jürgen Fauth
    Aug 01, 06:06pm

    Hi all,
    in case you haven't seen it yet, check out the blog for Michelle Elvy's inaugural installment of Editor's Eye. You may remember that Meg Pokrass started the series last year as a way to point out stories that slipped by the automated recommendation engine.

    Michelle plans to run the series a lot like Meg did: every two weeks, a different guest editor will read new stories on the site and then share their favorites on the blog. In fact, you should probably just go and read the post because Michelle explains it a lot better than me--and then stick around for her selections:

    We hope you enjoy the return of Editor's Eye.

  • Frankenstein-painting_brenda-kato.thumb
    Sam Rasnake
    Aug 01, 11:24pm

    Looking forward to it.

  • Frankie Saxx
    Aug 09, 06:46pm

    Fun times. :)

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    Carol Reid
    Aug 10, 04:06am

    This is why I came back to Fnaut.

  • Frankie Saxx
    Aug 10, 12:09pm

    Yay! Then that's another reason to love it.

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    Carol Reid
    Aug 10, 07:21pm

    Yep, the Editor's Eye idea just strikes me as a very positive and inclusive feature that can balance out the power of the recommendation machine, so that attracted me. (And there are good people, talented writers here and I missed reading them.)

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    Michelle Elvy
    Aug 13, 12:37pm

    Glad to see your comments, Frankie and Carol (and Sam, too). Stay tuned -- new installment coming your way this week!

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    Lillian Ann Slugocki
    Aug 13, 02:04pm

    Can't wait to read, looking forward!

  • Linda.thumb
    Linda Simoni-Wastila
    Aug 17, 11:20am


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