Forum / Favorite Books of and about Flash Fiction

  • Coffee_house_lies_cover_for_kindle.thumb
    Carly Berg
    Jun 17, 10:13am

    I have quite a few. Here are some of my favorites:

    * The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Writing Flash Fiction, edited by Tara Masih-

    Wonderful! It's divided into about 25 sections. In each one, a different established flash writer writes about some aspect of flash, then gives an example and an assignment. I did most of them and learned different approaches and stuff. I think I'll go through it again.

    * Flash Fiction: 72 Very Short Stories, edited by Tom Hazuka et al-

    So many of the flash anthologies imo just don't keep my interest. The stories will just seem to drop off or whatever and I'll think "What in the world was that?" and not in a good way, either. I thought this one was tight, though, carefully selected, good stories.

    * Flash Fiction Forward: 80 Very Short Stories, edited by Robert Shapard and James Thomas.

    Here's another one I liked a lot.

    Anyone else have any to recommend or anything like it to recommend, such as books of flash nonfiction, etc.?

  • Frankie Saxx
    Jun 17, 10:37am

    I have nothing to add, but will check out your recommendations. Thanks :)

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Jun 17, 01:18pm

    About fifteen years ago I picked up a small, remaindered book called RADIOS: Short Takes on Life and Culture by Jerome Stern. I began reading it late one night and couldn't put it down until I was finished. It was entrancing and my introduction to the short form. These are mini-essays from NPR commentator Jerome Stern. A wonderful, wonderful book and a must have for any writer's bookshelf.

  • Coffee_house_lies_cover_for_kindle.thumb
    Carly Berg
    Jun 18, 08:22am

    You're welcome, Frankie.

    Thanks, Joani. I just ordered it.

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    Matthew Robinson
    Jun 18, 04:42pm

    It's not an anthology but the collection Blue Has No South by Alex Epstein is full of brilliant, beautiful flash. He has another book, too, but Blue Has No South is the one I've read.

    Here's an idea of just how powerful a story he can assemble in such a short time:

  • Image.bedroom.009.expose.thumb
    Ann Bogle
    Jun 18, 07:22pm

    Jason Lee Norman's AMERICAS is a brilliant and handsomely produced flash series, one flash named for each country in the Americas. He lives in Alberta. Here is the url for his web site:

  • Wince_cover2.thumb
    Barry Basden
    Jun 18, 07:25pm

    Thanks Joani & Matt. I'm a sucker for a good book of or about flash and these are new to me.

    Also, Randall Brown has embarked on 50 days of writing about flash. One of the things he says that I particularly like is, "The word count requirement of flash fiction misleads authors into thinking of flash as a short story told with fewer words. It might be that. It might be other things, too."

    More here:

  • Coffee_house_lies_cover_for_kindle.thumb
    Carly Berg
    Jun 19, 07:40am

    Thanks, y'all. These are all going on my list of books to check out. :)

  • Canada_usa_2011_002.thumb
    Christopher Allen
    Jun 23, 11:01am

    Though it's currently unavailable (soon to be re-release we hope), Kathy Fish's Together We Can Bury It is exceptional.

  • Image.bedroom.009.expose.thumb
    Ann Bogle
    Jul 18, 08:01am

    Peter Conners, PP/FF

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    James Claffey
    Jul 18, 04:57pm

    killarney clary's prose poems might be of interest...

  • Dsc_0162.thumb
    Michelle Elvy
    Jul 19, 06:29am

    Here's one you don't see often: Nathalie Sarraute, Tropisms. trans from the French by Maria Jolas. First published in France 1939; English trans published 1963.

    Add it to your lists. Seriously.

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