Forum / FLASHMOB 2013

  • Linda.thumb
    Linda Simoni-Wastila
    May 18, 11:56am

    Howdy all!

    On behalf of myself and fellow fictionauters Michelle Elvy and Christopher Allen, we proudly present FLASHMOB 2013.

    What it is: an international blog carnival and competition celebrating International Flash Fiction Day (June 22)

    Why you care: Do you write? Then submit your 300 word or less story--prizes galore, including books, potential publication, and nomination for awards. We aim to have fun, spread the joy about flash fiction, and see how great a global reach flash fiction can have.

    Judges: High-end all the way: Nuala Ni Chonchuir (Ireland); Leah McMenamin (New Zealand); Marcus Speh (Germany); and Robert Vaughan (USA).

    It all starts in June, so get writing! For details on the event and how to submit, check out the official FLASHMOB 2013 website:

    No fee to submit.

    Hope to see your story soon. Peace...

  • Frankenstein-painting_brenda-kato.thumb
    Sam Rasnake
    May 19, 03:09am

    This is a great project, Linda.

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    May 27, 01:05am

    This looks like so much fun. I hope my muse returns so I can play. If not, I'll enjoy the talent of everyone whose muse does not play hide and seek. Have fun!

  • Canada_usa_2011_002.thumb
    Christopher Allen
    May 27, 08:49am

    I hope you do play, Joani! And everyone here at Fictionaut of course. Who knows better what our judges will love (blind reading of course) than the writers here?

    You still have two weeks to join the mob. We hope to have lots of entries from all over this stunning, troubled planet.

  • Mosaic_man_marcus.thumb
    Marcus Speh
    May 30, 08:30am

    Chris Allen did a marvelous job interviewing me as one of the four international judges of the competition. Much enjoyed talking to him about the future of flash and the internet, poetry and prose and more. Check it out:

  • Canada_usa_2011_002.thumb
    Christopher Allen
    May 30, 08:18pm

    Several of you have asked about stories posted on Fictionaut (only). Yes, they are eligible for inclusion in Flash Mob 2013. We hope to see lots of fellow fictionauts there.

  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    May 30, 09:58pm

    Looks like prerequisite to enter the competition is you've got to have your own blog.

    Oh well...

    ...that's me out.

  • Canada_usa_2011_002.thumb
    Christopher Allen
    May 31, 07:04am

    Hi, Sally!
    You can provide the Fictionaut link in place of the blog link. Remember, though, that the reading is blind and that Marcus and Robert are on Fictionaut. Please make the post private until after June 18 when the judges will give us their decisions.

  • Canada_usa_2011_002.thumb
    Christopher Allen
    May 31, 10:27am

    Hi, fellow Fictionauts!
    For the sake of clarity, if you do not have a blog and you would like to participate in Flash Mob 2013--and we really want you to participate--use the Fictionaut link to your story at Fictionaut, then follow the instructions in the Contest Rules here:

    Please set your story to PRIVATE until June 18, at which time the judges will be finished with their work.

    We hope you'll join the mob.

  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    May 31, 08:46pm

    My understanding is...if a story is set to private, then *no one* else can view it...

    "private" being...well...


  • Canada_usa_2011_002.thumb
    Christopher Allen
    May 31, 09:41pm

    The story needs to be set to private only until June 18 since Marcus and Robert are both active on Fictionaut, and they are judging the contest blind. They will have made their decisions by June 18. If a Flash Mob 2013 post on Fictionaut is available to read before this date, it would be ineligible since it's likely that Robert and Marcus will know who wrote it.

    Entrants send a copy of the story, bio and pic in the body of an email to the address provided in the contest rules in Linda's link above.

  • Image.thumb
    Charlotte Hamrick
    Jun 05, 04:26am

    As much as I'd like to participate, I'm in a horrible dry spell right now. However, anything Christopher is involved in will be great (as well as Marcus and Robert as judges!) and I'm looking forward to reading everyone's entries and getting to know their work.
    Good luck, Fictionauters!

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