Forum / Thank You For Your Sperm

  • Mosaic_man_marcus.thumb
    Marcus Speh
    Apr 27, 10:43am the title of my debut collection which is now available at Amazon everywhere. Special thanks for cover love go to Fictionaut members: Kathy Fish, Frank Hinton, Jürgen Fauth, Bill Yarrow, John Minichillo and James Robison. And of course thanks to publisher Marc Vincenz and his restless crew of creatives at MadHat Press.

    To everyone used to reading (my) flash on the screen: I'm holding the book in my hand now's a world of difference, pixels vs print, especially when you're the author.

    Grateful for any reviews at Amazon where this is riding quite high now (I've got no idea why), no matter how short. My (at 188 pages no so) little book thanks you! Cheers from Berlin! (US) (UK) (France) (Germany)

    Same book everywhere.

  • Darryl_falling_water.thumb
    Darryl Price
    Apr 27, 05:33pm

    This guy is one of the most amazing, fun, original writers around. You will enjoy the shit out of this book and return to it often--it's that good. You'll want to share it with others and read passages aloud. It's the kind of thing--when you really come down to it--that makes life worth while. Breathe deeply and enjoy. That's what it's for. It clears the head. It massages the heart. It opens the box of dreams once more. Aren't we lucky? Yes, to have in our world, at the same time as us, someone so willing to create art this wonderful.

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Apr 27, 11:27pm

    Congratulations, Marcus. I look forward to reading it soon. I'll order it for the college library so others have a chance at it, too.

  • Dscf0571.thumb
    David Ackley
    Apr 28, 02:08pm

    Congratulations, Marcus. Glad to have this pleasure in store.

  • Kreuzberg,%20germany%201992.thumb
    Robert Vaughan
    Apr 28, 10:51pm

    Really looking forward to spreading the sperm, oops, I mean word, Marcus! Hearty congratulations and can't wait to read this.

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    Matthew A. Hamilton
    Apr 29, 11:37am

    Looking forward Marcus, and congratulations.

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    John Riley
    Apr 29, 01:53pm

    Ordered my copy. Looking forward to reading it.

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    Henry Standing Bear
    Apr 29, 02:04pm

    Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!

  • Mosaic_man_marcus.thumb
    Marcus Speh
    May 01, 08:33pm

    The influence of sperm on my book is overrated. Its prominent position in all publicity surrounding the event however is premeditated. I received a very lovely poem from veteran Fictionaut Matt Dennison scolding me for imposing a publication with this title on an unsuspecting American audience. Thank you all for writing, buying, reviewing and, last but not least, reading.

  • Mosaic_man_marcus.thumb
    Marcus Speh
    May 01, 08:34pm can also purchase this at the publisher's site btw, if you eschew the evil Amazon:

  • Img_0089.thumb
    Gessy Alvarez
    May 02, 11:59pm

    Congrats, Marcus!

  • Image.bedroom.009.expose.thumb
    Ann Bogle
    May 06, 04:48am

    My copy of TYFYS is en route. I studied its opening pages at Amazon and placed TYFYS in my shopping cart. And, cart rather full, proceeded to check-out. I look forward to reading the collection, through, as a constructed book, and to reviewing it among other excellent publications by Fictionaut authors.

  • Mosaic_man_marcus.thumb
    Marcus Speh
    May 08, 05:05pm

    Derek Osborne, fellow writer and fellow fictionaut, has probed the depth of "Thank You For Your Sperm" and come back with a review that is a mighty fine piece of writing and that made me blush not with anger.

    I think you'll enjoy reading this if you get my book, buy it, know it or not—there're things he has to say about flash fiction, the scene and the future of this art that are worth hearing.

    Thank you for your sperm, Derek.

    The link:

  • Michaeljsolender-headshot1.thumb
    Michael J. Solender
    May 15, 07:10pm

    Mazel tov! F2

  • Mosaic_man_marcus.thumb
    Marcus Speh
    May 19, 06:50am

    B'ezrat Ha Shem, Michael, thank you!

  • Frankie Saxx
    May 19, 12:14pm

    Been waiting for this. :) Just in time for my birthday, too.

  • Frankie Saxx
    May 20, 07:53am

    Också, grattis på din bok, Marcus! :)

  • Mosaic_man_marcus.thumb
    Marcus Speh
    May 20, 10:05am

    Actually, the book is "out of print" as of this morning, I'm afraid. There are 5 printed copies left in Berlin bookshops though if you care. I already checked though, it will be available again I just don't know when. Will let you know.

  • Frankie Saxx
    May 20, 05:05pm

    Stackars mig! :( Jag har inte beställt min. Kanske Em kan köpa en kopia till mig när han besök Berlin nästa veckan. Jag ska påminna han min födelsedagen kommer snart. ;)

  • Mosaic_man_marcus.thumb
    Marcus Speh
    Jun 27, 09:18pm

    There're a couple more reviews now (thank you Christopher Allen/Metazen and Beach Sloth/Alt Lit) and others under way alongside two new interviews and a story that appeared on Fictionaut first, The Last Letter, barely in time for Father's Day, with an audio version. Enjoy!

    Link to MadHat Lit:

  • Coffee_house_lies_cover_for_kindle.thumb
    Carly Berg
    Jun 28, 09:33am

    Not sure how long ago Thank You For Your Sperm was out of stock at Amazon, but I just got it so it's back in stock now. That shorty-short fiction is addicting, no? :)

  • Mosaic_man_marcus.thumb
    Marcus Speh
    Jun 28, 09:51am

    Hi Carly thank you for publicly (!) admitting to the possession of TYFYS which is (still) legal in the US. If you let me know how you liked it with or without a photo showing you nibbling on TYFYS or batting your eyelashes or holding it away from you with two fingers and an appropriate facial expression (of your choosing), I will happily feature you (or anyone) in my TYFYS reader section at — also called Tumblr Sperm HQ. Thank you for your sperm!

  • Coffee_house_lies_cover_for_kindle.thumb
    Carly Berg
    Jun 28, 10:27am

    Haha, okay. I might have to wear a disguise though. What would my mother say! :P

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