Forum / Taking a Break

  • Gloriamindock200x274.thumb
    Gloria Mindock
    Sep 21, 03:54pm

    Hi everyone-

    I am usually on and off Fictionaut. I tend to read in spurts here and comment. I will be taking a break from the site. I have so many books to publish and get out that I need to concentrate on this for the next few weeks. I'll be back in awhile. I'll look forward to catching up.

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    Gary Hardaway
    Sep 22, 12:54am

    Looking forward to your return.

  • Linda.thumb
    Linda Simoni-Wastila
    Sep 22, 01:42am

    Enjoy the rest--from here at least! Peace...

  • Kreuzberg,%20germany%201992.thumb
    Robert Vaughan
    Sep 22, 03:43am

    Will miss you dear Gloria! Talk soon!

  • Darryl_falling_water.thumb
    Darryl Price
    Sep 22, 02:39pm

    Love you, don't stay away too long.

  • Frankenstein-painting_brenda-kato.thumb
    Sam Rasnake
    Sep 22, 07:53pm

    My best to you, Gloria. Look forward to your coming back.

  • Updated_bio.thumb
    James Claffey
    Sep 22, 09:05pm

    we'll be here scratching away away away!

  • Canada_usa_2011_002.thumb
    Christopher Allen
    Sep 23, 06:47pm

    See you soon, Gloria!

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