F'naut Friends: My attempts to escape the tractor beam of social media were short-lived as I have given in to the promo-pressure and created a ..... wait for it....BOOK PAGE. It's all too much, really, but if you are on Facebook, please consider swinging by my new digs and giving me some love, or, in FB parlance, some "like." I plan to use the page for some book giveaways and virtual pin-the-tails.
Thank you, as always, for your support. If anyone has thoughts, ideas, concerns re. the direction the book-biz is going, especially as it relates to ceaseless book promo, please do share - I am incredibly conflicted (pls also read as: uncomfortable and embarrassed by) about the whole thing. Is there really no other way? So far, t'would appear not, unless you are a known-known.
I feel your pain, Julie Innis. Pondering...
Do you have a website for the book, for yourself? You should. I can give you some ideas if you want to drop me a line (lynnbeighley at the gmail).
Julie, I feel your pain also! And agree with Lynn about the website. The writer's conundrum. There are so many of us (here at FN or FB or wherever) who are releasing, or have published our first books within the past year. Maybe we forum a cohesive marketing plan (for the indie writer?) And any of us can add ideas to it?
Thanks Lynn, I will most def. be emailing you. There's julieinnis.net through Foxhead, but no, I don't have a page proper.
RV - did you hear about this story? Talk about a marketing coup. http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/07/24/jack-daniels-gives-obscure-author-a-mega-shot-of-publicity/
Not a big Jack drinker, but this story has made me reconsider. Really lovely response on their part.
I thought you were supposed to publish your book and then immediately take off to Europe or South America to avoid the ensuing media blitz/hail-storm of controversy, etc...?
Julie, I had no idea about this JD marketing strategy- it might work (especially in the Milwaukee market?!!) I remember attending a Chuck Palahniuk reading on his RANT tour in 2007- he really had the best event I have ever been to. He didn't read a thing from the book, just polled people about past books, asked random questions and threw (literally) body parts (fake) out into the audience. Also participants were encouraged in advance to dress like one of the novel's characters, so there were all these guys and gals in wedding gowns. And he had a stamp made for the signed page of his book- he'd write your name above this stamp: Has Tested Positive for Rabies. Hilarious and irreverent! So, perhaps zany marketing ideas is all it takes?
Marketing is a hard mistress.
Thanks for the link, Julie. I'd heard that Jack Daniels had quite politely asked Mr. Wensink to cease and desist with that clever book cover, but I didn't know it all turned out so well for him in the end.
Facebook is inevitable isn't it.
Whatever it takes, I support Julie Innis!
and likewise, DP!