Forum / FIZZ @ KGB "Mystery Reader" identity revealed...

  • S._tepper--nov--lighter.thumb
    Susan Tepper
    Aug 22, 04:16pm

    Our Mystery Reader is the one and only ROBERTO CARLOS GARCIA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Friday, September 21 @ 7pm

    Joani Reese, Jen Knox, Stephanie Dickinson AND Robeto Carlos Garcia

    KGB Bar
    85 East 4th Street (second floor)
    free event

  • S._tepper--nov--lighter.thumb
    Susan Tepper
    Aug 22, 04:17pm

    Roberto please forgive my typo on your name!

  • Img_0089.thumb
    Gessy Alvarez
    Aug 22, 05:47pm


  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Aug 22, 05:48pm

    Roberto is a great choice, Susan, and Roberto, I can hardly wait to hear you read your work! Excellent news.

  • Img_0942.thumb
    Roberto C. Garcia
    Aug 24, 02:49pm

    Thanks everyone! I'm very excited to be reading with such awesome writers. Susan, don't worry, you didn't cut out the O and that's what people usually do. :O)

  • Estelle_bruno.thumb
    Estelle Bruno
    Aug 24, 03:49pm

    Wonderful. Hope my railroad is in working order. Your choice for mystery reader, Roberto, is excellent.

  • Gloriamindock200x274.thumb
    Gloria Mindock
    Aug 27, 02:35pm

    Wonderful Roberto!!!!! Wish I could be there!

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