Forum / Scissors and Spackle

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    Andrew Stancek
    Aug 09, 01:53pm

    Just received my print copy of Scissors and Spackle. What a wonderful job Jenny Catlin and Joani Reese have done. I am thrilled to be in the company of so many fine writers, including James Claffey, Meg Tuite, Stephen V Ramey, Susan Tepper and Alex Pruteanu.

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    James Claffey
    Aug 09, 02:26pm

    yes, thanks andrew. it's a great issue. i read everything in it twice already!

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    Joani Reese
    Aug 10, 02:41am

    Glad you liked it, Andrew, and thanks for sending such strong work. I loved putting that fiction section together. The pieces, when put in a certain order, seemed to tell a larger tale. It was a dynamite experience, and I was so lucky to have had great writers to work with.

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    Gloria Mindock
    Aug 12, 06:17pm

    Congratulations Andrew and everyone in the issue. It is great! They did a beautiful job on the issue. I love what Joani and Jenny picked for the new issue. Strong work!

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