Forum / Letras Caseras at Tumblr

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    Roberto C. Garcia
    Aug 06, 06:37pm

    Hello friends,

    There are several good pieces up at Some from our very own fellow Fictionauts. So if you're on Tumblr give us a follow, submit or just pass it along. Thanks!

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    Joani Reese
    Aug 06, 07:54pm

    Love that you're doing this in support of other writers, Roberto! I hope to have some time to look and submit soon.

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    Roberto C. Garcia
    Aug 06, 08:31pm

    Thanks JP!

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    Robert Vaughan
    Aug 07, 12:48am

    What a great idea, Robert! I will check it out, and thanks so much for doing this and posting it here.

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    Susan Tepper
    Aug 07, 04:42pm

    Roberto your Letras Caseras is a classy looking lit place, will def check out the new offerings.

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    Susan Tepper
    Aug 09, 02:48pm

    Had the pleasure of meeting our poet friend Roberto Carlos Garcia last night at Gloria Mindock's reading @ Cornelia Street Cafe.
    He is even nicer 'in the flesh' than online, and he's a sweetie online. It's really great to meet F'nauts and get to talk in real time.

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    Gessy Alvarez
    Aug 09, 05:51pm

    Dang it, I missed it...

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    Roberto C. Garcia
    Aug 16, 09:33pm

    Thanks Susan! Next time Gessy!

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    Gloria Mindock
    Aug 17, 04:43pm

    Your mag. is a class act. Well done and such great work. I checked it out yesterday and now am posting. Congratulations Roberto and to the writers too!

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    James Claffey
    Aug 17, 06:04pm

    yes, yes! simon and susan are wonderful writers. it's a great forum over at letras caseras!

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