Forum / Thanks Fictionauts!

  • 2734896685_cccc347f0a_b.thumb
    Kevin Myrick
    Apr 02, 03:47pm

    For all the hard work you guys did in helping to make a great April Fool's Day Challenge. I felt like we had a great challenge day from it, and would like to do it again.

    So how about it folks? Say Memorial Day or Fourth of July?

    Also, I'd be happy to field any suggestions on what should be done with all the hard work. I was thinking investing some money in laser printer and doing my own limited edition chapbook or an e-book. Of course, all rights would revert back to the authors for their pieces.

    Let me know what you fine purveyors of all things literary think of these ideas.

    Thanks everyone!
    Kevin Myrick

  • S._tepper--nov--lighter.thumb
    Susan Tepper
    Apr 03, 09:15am

    Kevin I think whichever idea you ultimately decide upon, it will be sucessful. You ran a masterful challenge and the work submitted was provocative and eclectic (I'm not saying this because I won the challenge -- it's the first thing I have ever won IN MY LIFE). No shit. Metaphorically, I'm always a bridesmaid, never a bride. I never even won a bubble gum ring. But I had a blast in this challenge and I'm sure everyone else did too. Cheers to Kevin!

  • Gloriamindock200x274.thumb
    Gloria Mindock
    Apr 03, 11:05am


    Kevin, you did a GREAT job. Congratulations!!!!
    Congratulations to you too Susan for winning the challenge!!!!

    Way to go!!!!!!

  • Estelle_bruno.thumb
    Estelle Bruno
    Apr 04, 08:58pm

    thank you Kevin for a great challenge, and I look forward to whatever endeaver you next come up with.

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