Forum / Writing Magazines?

  • Dsc01252new.thumb
    Jules Archer
    Jan 20, 03:52am

    Curious question to everyone out there...what writing/poet magazines do you subscribe to? What do you really like and/or feel are the best in the biz and to stay current on topics? I subscribe to Poets & Writers but was curious about all the other ones I keep getting tantalizing subscription letters from.



  • 0001_pabst_blue_ribbon_time.thumb
    Jan 20, 04:04am

    What mags are contacting you?

  • Mosaic_man_marcus.thumb
    Marcus Speh
    Jan 20, 08:18am

    Nobody ever writes to me.

  • Linda.thumb
    Linda Simoni-Wastila
    Jan 20, 11:31am

    I subscribe to P & W. I just received my 'last' issue from WRITER'S DIGEST and think I will give them a break for awhile. I also get the AWP magazine (I am a member).

    I once got a free copy of THE WRITER and did not care for it--nothing learned.

    I 'subscribe' to the free email letters from Publishers Weekly as well. That way I keep on top of the publishing world (when I read them). Peace...

  • Dsc01252new.thumb
    Jules Archer
    Jan 21, 03:38am

    Like the Atlantic, NY Times Book Review and a few others. Nothing personal - just the usual "subscribe" crap. Prob just got my name through mailings lists or whatnot.

  • 0001_pabst_blue_ribbon_time.thumb
    Jan 21, 04:05am

    You could go to your local liberry and check 'em out first...

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Jan 21, 02:30pm

    My favorites are The New York Review of Books and The London Review of Books. P & W is okay and there's an occasional article like the one Dan Albergotti wrote on metaphor last month that's brilliant, but on the whole, it's not all that. The information they provide that's really helpful is easier to access on their Internet site. I used to get The Writer's Chronicle (AWP pub), but again, meh. I couldn't live without The New York Review of Books, although I do miss the late Tony Judt's excellent writing which used to regularly grace its pages. If I had to choose only one mag--that's the one I couldn't give up.

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