Forum / Literary Activism On the Cheap and in Real Time

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Oct 09, 02:30pm

    We all know that small presses usually operate not only on a shoe string, but they are often supplemented from the pockets of their owners and friends. We can make a difference, not only for small presses, but for our writer friends as well, and it won't cost us a thing.

    Although much of the economy is in the toilet, and people like me have very little disposable income, even for books, those objects I love best in the world, I do have access to my college and local libraries. These folks still have a budget for materials, albeit smaller than it was a few years ago. Let's take advantage of that budget by asking them to purchase small press books written by our friends and colleagues here at Fictionaut. It will take only an hour or so of your time to make a list, walk, bike, or drive to your nearest library, and ask that they order these books.

    Off the top of my head, I can think of quite a few folks who have had their work published in the last year or two. What I'd like you all to do is add to this thread by listing your book's title, its publisher, and its ISBN so the rest of us can make our lists and get going. If you have friends whose books you'd also like to add, please list them here too.

    Let's all do something to support our friends and those small press publishers we would like to be around when our own nascent manuscripts are ready to venture out into the world. All it will cost you is a bit of time and effort.

    Thanks for supporting writers and writing. List away!

  • Dscn4564.thumb
    Carol Reid
    Oct 09, 02:46pm

    I'm going to be taking careful note of this thread. Our local librarian is a treasure and is fillig the shelves with books I actually want to read and, wonder of wonders, many of them are short story collections and poetry.

    Great idea, JP.

  • Mrsoftee1.thumb
    Jim V
    Oct 09, 03:16pm

    Joani, a lot of times you don't even have to go to the library. I know my library, the King County Library, takes book purchase requests right online. All you have to do is type in the info-- and wait. I do it all the time, and not just for small press books-- but definitely a lot of them.

  • Img_0654-2.thumb
    MaryAnne Kolton
    Oct 09, 04:58pm

    Great idea, Joani. Once I have access to the list I will happily suggest the Tiny Town library purchase all of them. If JLD asks them they will absolutely do it. They love him there.

  • Jen14.thumb
    Jen Knox
    Oct 09, 05:47pm

    The SAPL is usually pretty good about ordering small press books, and it has the online ordering system, too. Also, I'll check in with SAC's library. I've taught a few small press book in my creative writing courses, and my students have loved them (of course).

    Here's a few books I've loved or am pretty confident I will love, all of which were published over the last year (including my own):

    Domestic Apparition by Meg Tuite
    ISBN: 0982829523
    San Francisco Bay Press

    Suspended Heart by Heather Fowler
    ISBN: 0982673434
    Aqueous Books

    To Begin Again by Jen Knox
    ISBN: 0984629785
    All Things That Matter Press

    What May Have Been by Susan Tepper and Gary Percesepe
    ISBN: 0984473289
    Cervena Barva Press Publishing

    Wild Life by Kathy Fish
    ISBN: 0983792801
    Matter Press

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Oct 09, 06:02pm

    Thanks, Jen. A great beginning!

  • Thomas_pluck_-_author_photo.thumb
    Thomas Pluck
    Oct 09, 06:34pm

    I'm in Pulp Modern #1
    ISBN: 1466300655
    Createspace Publishing

    Thank you for this thread, it's a great idea.

  • Frankenstein-painting_brenda-kato.thumb
    Sam Rasnake
    Oct 09, 07:44pm

    Inside a Broken Clock
    ISBN: 978-1599246802
    Finishing Line Press

    Lessons in Morphology
    Number: 48207-56634
    Part of the Chapbook Series from MiPOesias

    Religions of the Blood
    ISBN: 978-0944754535
    Pudding House Press

    Appreciate the tread, Joani.

  • Photo_on_1-21-15_at_3.05_pm.thumb
    Kathy Fish
    Oct 09, 08:40pm

    Joani, this is such a great idea. Thanks for starting the thread.

    Jen, thanks for listing mine and I'm going to take all of these to my own county library system and ask them to order!

  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    Oct 09, 08:43pm

    It sounds like good guerilla marketing. On the cheap ... molotov phone calls. I like this.

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Oct 09, 08:50pm

    You can all go to your local college and university libraries and ask them to order as well. They're pretty open to suggestions, (even those here in Texas!), and they usually have a bigger budget than the local libraries. If anyone can think of others who haven't put their books here yet, Walter Bjorkman's Elsie's World comes to mind, encourage them to do so.

  • Kreuzberg,%20germany%201992.thumb
    Robert Vaughan
    Oct 09, 09:37pm

    Housefire (a division of Metazen) has an anthology which has a flash fiction piece of mine in it, as well as 60 other authors:

    Housefire Publishing

    Thanks for this Joani!!!

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    Kari Nguyen
    Oct 10, 04:13pm

    Great thread.

  • Fictionaut.thumb
    Meg Pokrass
    Oct 11, 02:48pm

    "Damn Sure Right"
    Fiction by Meg Pokrass

    Press 53, January 2011

    ISBN-13: 978-1-935708-17-9

    Paperback: 171pp;

    Thanks Joani will message you about this, this needs press, yes?

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Oct 13, 11:04pm

    All books requested at the college's library where I work. If you've already gone out and asked your librarians to order these books, I'd love it if you'd tell us here. Thanks! Keep up the good work.

  • Darryl_falling_water.thumb
    Darryl Price
    Oct 15, 05:14pm

    FOURTEEN by Bill Yarrow (Naked Mannekin) ISBN: 978-1-60584-282-7

  • S._tepper--nov--lighter.thumb
    Susan Tepper
    Oct 16, 09:04pm

    This is a fabulous thing that Joani has suggested. We of the small press are struggling (at least I am) to sell books. I've given away more than I've sold. I'm happy to give them away to anyone who can't afford to buy one. I just want them to be read. Thank you, Joani, for this.

  • With_ted_3.thumb
    Bill Yarrow
    Oct 17, 04:24am

    Thanks, Darryl, for mentioning FOURTEEN. Any interested libraries should contact me directly for copies.

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