Forum / New! Interviews at Echos & Visions

  • Img_0654-2.thumb
    MaryAnne Kolton
    Oct 02, 12:13am

    New! Interview Page!

    Starting today, there will be an interview with one of today's exceptionally talented and sometimes eclectic authors. I hope to get these posted on the first day of each month.

    And what a way to begin! Susan Tepper talks with me about her controversial story Underground.

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Oct 02, 12:59am

    Love Susan's observation about writing in the opposite sex's voice: "I think it teaches us some tolerance regarding the foibles of the opposite sex when we allow ourselves to enter into their unconscious." Yes. Makes me want to give it a try. Thanks for doing this,MaryAnne. It's a kindness to support other writers.

  • S._tepper--nov--lighter.thumb
    Susan Tepper
    Oct 02, 01:15am

    It is so much fun for me to be at the opposite end of the interview pole.

    To MaryAnne who asked such provocative and thoughtful questions~ It was an honor!

    Joani, thanks so much for what you noted here.

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    MaryAnne Kolton
    Oct 02, 04:36am

    Susan, Can't thank you enough for giving me the opportunity to interview you. Glad you like it.

  • Canada_usa_2011_002.thumb
    Christopher Allen
    Oct 02, 08:31am

    Excellent interview!

  • Darryl_falling_water.thumb
    Darryl Price
    Oct 02, 01:13pm

    Two big yes! placards from me--held high and proud. Thanks!

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    Matt Potter
    Oct 02, 01:42pm

    Dunno why - I added 2 comments but they have disappeared from the blog.

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    Robert Vaughan
    Oct 02, 01:55pm

    Great interview! And I love this idea, MAK! Nice, lovely exchange happening here!

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    Kathy Fish
    Oct 02, 04:01pm

    Excellent. Thanks you two!

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    Bill Yarrow
    Oct 02, 04:45pm

    "Starting today, there will be an interview with one of today's exceptionally talented and sometimes eclectic authors. I hope to get these posted on the first day of each month."

    Great idea!
    Fascinating beginning.

  • S._tepper--nov--lighter.thumb
    Susan Tepper
    Oct 02, 06:38pm

    Thanks so much to everyone who read MaryAnne's interview of me re my story Underground.

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    MaryAnne Kolton
    Oct 02, 10:03pm

    Many thanks to all of you who liked the idea and enjoyed the first interview. Susan is a feisty little "broad" (that said with much respect and appreciation) and as I hoped, she spoke her mind at every turn.

    November, December and January's tête-à-têtes are already in the works.

  • S._tepper--nov--lighter.thumb
    Susan Tepper
    Oct 02, 10:16pm

    MaryAnne, I accept "feisty little broad" with much pleasure, though I do stand 5'6. Not that little but definitely feisty.
    Looking forward to your upcoming interviews!!!

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