Forum / Ramshackle concludes publication (or, So Long, and Thanks For All The Flash)

  • 0388e1260hbw.thumb
    Mark Reep
    Sep 28, 01:03am

    Hi guys,
    As many of you know, I closed Ramshackle Review to submissions following the June issue. I’d hoped my own work and other obligations might allow reopening this month, with an eye to a year-end issue. Unfortunately, that’s not feasible, and this likely won’t change anytime soon. It’s been a difficult decision, one I’ve put off making, but realistically, it’s time to shut RR down.

    When I began Ramshackle in June 2010, one of my goals was to give it at least four issues. I’d hoped to publish many more. But I’m also happy with and proud of Issues 1-4. They’ll remain available for online viewing.

    Many thanks to all who’ve supported and contributed. It’s been an honor to share your work.

    Mark Reep

  • Darryl_falling_water.thumb
    Darryl Price
    Sep 28, 01:08am

    The honor is ours, Mark. You did a tremendous job and others will have to follow your fine example if they want to make good. You're a part of literary history now. Maybe the future will afford you another chance. At any rate you made a great stride forward for all of us. Thanks. Ramshackle will be missed.

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Sep 28, 01:24am

    Thanks for your kindness and generous support of your fellow writers, Mark. You're the real deal. See you around Facebook and F'Naut. Enjoy the extra time you'll have now to create your own lovely drawings and words. Thanks again.

  • Img_0741.thumb
    See ya
    Sep 28, 02:11pm

    You're a true patron and fine writer, Mark. I have greatly appreciated your support over the past year. Best to you, hoss.

  • 0388e1260hbw.thumb
    Mark Reep
    Sep 28, 02:47pm

    Darryl, Joani- Your words mean a lot. Thanks so much. And yes, I'm looking forward to drawing again :)

    Shel- Thank you for 'Pancake', and 'Eddie's Room', and all those times you took time to say something encouraging, recommend RR on fb, etc.
    No one's been more supportive. You're the best.

  • Dscf4986.thumb
    Andrew Stancek
    Sep 28, 03:31pm


    I have written you privately in admiration of your writing, and I was hoping to submit to you in the future, since it seemed to me we might work well together.

    Ramshackle will be missed. I wish you well in your endeavors.

  • S._tepper--nov--lighter.thumb
    Susan Tepper
    Sep 28, 05:50pm

    Mark, it was a beautiful online mag, and will be sorely missed. Thank you for taking some of my stuff for the issues.

  • With_ted_3.thumb
    Bill Yarrow
    Sep 28, 06:10pm

    Loved being in Ramshackle Review and reading all the fine writing there. Will miss it. Wish you the best in your other endeavors, Mark.

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Sep 29, 01:40pm

    BTW: I love the allusion to Douglas Adams ; ) A fitting farewell.

  • Nicolette_apr_2012.thumb
    Nicolette Wong
    Sep 29, 03:47pm

    Thank you for the effort in showcasing all the wonderful writing and artwork in RR. It will be missed. Good luck with your future endeavors - we'll all be looking forward to seeing more great things from you :)

  • Photo_on_2012-05-10_at_10.25.thumb
    Susan Gibb
    Sep 29, 04:03pm

    Oh how I wish I'd been a part of it! You'll be missed as a super edior of a fine magazine, Mark.

  • Meg%20profile%20pic.thumb
    Meg Tuite
    Sep 29, 05:44pm

    Sorry to see it go, Mark, but it was an exceptional magazine!!! I also wished I had been a contributor! Thanks for putting all the time and energy into publishing some great work!!!
    Best to your next venture!!!

  • 0388e1260hbw.thumb
    Mark Reep
    Oct 02, 04:12pm

    Big thanks, guys, and to everyone who's messaged and emailed, too. Very much appreciated!

  • Photo_on_1-21-15_at_3.05_pm.thumb
    Kathy Fish
    Oct 02, 04:14pm

    Damn, it's always sad to see a good zine good, Mark. Wish I'd had a chance to grace Ramshackle's pages. You and your journal meant a lot to the folks here. Thanks for all your hard work. Best, Kathy

  • Photo_on_1-21-15_at_3.05_pm.thumb
    Kathy Fish
    Oct 02, 04:14pm

    "good zine go" I mean...I'm all typos this morning

  • 0388e1260hbw.thumb
    Mark Reep
    Oct 02, 07:41pm

    Thanks very much, Kathy. You were high on my list of People To Solicit Soon :)

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