Forum / Published without knowing it!

  • Myra.thumb
    Myra King
    Sep 12, 08:50am

    I’ve just found out that one of my short stories, The Gulls, has been published on Fiction Shelf and I had no idea it had been accepted. What makes this so weird is I’d sent them this particular piece in the beginning of January, this year, and hadn’t heard from them. (I'd given up on it.) I’ve only discovering now (when I googled myself – no, I don’t do this often - red face) that it’s been published recently. I’m not complaining mind - just think it a little odd, that’s all!

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Sep 12, 11:56am

    Seems like all one needs to start a lit. mag these days is an Internet connection. Editor? What's that? Congratulations, Myra.

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    MaryAnne Kolton
    Sep 12, 04:28pm

    Congratulations, Myra. That must be how it works now. If you see it somewhere, somehow, anytime in the future it's been accepted!

  • Myra.thumb
    Myra King
    Sep 12, 11:07pm

    Thanks Joani and MaryAnne.

    I heard from the editor this morning (after emailing my surprise) that they have been having trouble with good news and rejections alike, going into junk folders.

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    Susan Gibb
    Sep 13, 10:22am

    Congratulations, Myra!

  • Darryl_falling_water.thumb
    Darryl Price
    Sep 14, 08:18pm

    I say Celebrate!Congratulations.

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    stephen hastings-king
    Sep 14, 10:49pm

    congratulations. it's strange finding out you've got a publication out. once i got a note from someone in greece. it asked me if it was ok to do something with an academic article i put out. the note had egg on it...a little spatter of scrambled egg. so it confused me. i don't remember if i answered or not. a couple years later i was at a conference & someone came up to me and told me they liked my book. what book? i said. that's how i found out.

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    Bill Yarrow
    Sep 15, 01:41am

    I'm with Darryl. Celebrate! Congratulations!

  • S._tepper--nov--lighter.thumb
    Susan Tepper
    Sep 15, 03:50pm

    Myra, Congrats! This happened to me a few times also. You can take out a "Google-alert" on yourself and it will shoot over any news about you that appears on the internet. It's a very helpful tool, esp if you are promoting a book. It helps you gauge things. Anyway, enjoy the good news!!

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