Forum / Making Stories "Private" re Google

  • S._tepper--nov--lighter.thumb
    Susan Tepper
    Jan 23, 02:47pm

    I turned a story into "private" thinking it would come off google and other search engines. It did not. So, if you don't want your story on google, etc, then make it "private" right from the beginning. Otherwise, you are stuck with it there. Forever. And that could affect it getting published, as was discussed in a prior posting.

  • 2161777446_a91102ea45.thumb
    Matt Dennison
    Jan 23, 08:03pm

    Thanks. Good info.

    With work getting 20-25 views, it'd be a pisser to have that be considered published.

  • Author_wide.thumb
    Jürgen Fauth
    Jan 23, 11:13pm

    Are you talking about the Google cache? From what I understand, caches of deleted pages disappear after Google recrawls the site, which happens fairly frequently. My story "Vergangenheitsbewältigung," which I set to private a few weeks ago, does not show up any more.

  • S._tepper--nov--lighter.thumb
    Susan Tepper
    Jan 24, 10:03am

    Jurgen, I turned my story Baby Nest private about 2 weeks ago. but when I type: "susan tepper, Baby Nest" into google, the story pops right up on the fictionaut site. I know google crawled the site just this week, but my story still appears. I'll keep checking. If it appears after the next google crawl, I will let you know.

  • Author_wide.thumb
    Jürgen Fauth
    Jan 24, 03:18pm

    OK. Honestly, I doubt anybody would consider a story that's available in the Google cache as "published" -- but do let us know if you run into any problems.

  • 2161777446_a91102ea45.thumb
    Matt Dennison
    Jan 24, 09:59pm

    six billion people
    tugging on sleeve

  • 2161777446_a91102ea45.thumb
    Matt Dennison
    Jan 24, 10:02pm

    ...and me one of 'em!

    Thanks for all you do, sir. This is a wonderful site.

    Thanks for taking care of all the little nibbling bits so the rest of us can play!

  • Tim-elhajj.thumb
    Tim Elhajj
    Feb 14, 03:29pm

    I notice that if I am logged into Fictionaut, stories I have set to private appear in Google results, and when I click on the link, I go directly to the story, which is still set to private, but which I assume most of the rest of the Internet cannot access.

    If I do the same Google search and am not logged into Fictionaut, I may see the story set to private (if it is still in Google's cache), but if I click the link, I end up on the Fictionaut log in page, as I should (since the story is set to private).

    We shall see what happens once the story falls out of Google's cache. I suspect it will not appear in search results and that you would have to already know the URL to find it.

    I notice that the top Google result for my name have chagned from my personal blog to my Fictionauth page, which seems amazing to me. I have been posting on my blog for over 2 years and every post has my (unusual) name. I have posted two stories and a few comments to Fictionaut. I guess that means that Fictionaut (as a site) gets more Google weight for search results than my personal blog, which is scary, exciting, and interesting.

  • Tim-elhajj.thumb
    Tim Elhajj
    Feb 20, 02:26am

    Ha, ha. I am such a dweeb.

    Goggle was doing something with my Google profile to weight my fictionaut results higher up the list, but only for me, probalby because I kept coming back to Fictionaut and loging in and out to test its privacy features.

    So ignore what I said above about fictionaut getting better results than my personal blog for ego surfs on my name. Once I cleared the google cache associated with my profile fictionaut fell to where it had always been--about halfway down the page.

  • Gloriamindock200x274.thumb
    Gloria Mindock
    Feb 20, 03:20pm

    I just made my poem "private" even though its been up for awhile. I should have looked closer and made it private, just for fictionaut members. Glad you posted this info. I don't want what I post here on Google.
    I really should have looked closer. It is too late for this poem but it has been published so I'm not worried.
    Can someone answer why is it that every response I give on stories end up on Google. I really don't want my comments to a story to end up for the whole world to see. It is for members only? Anyway to solve this? If not, that is ok. I still plan on responding. This is such a great site with so many wonderful!

  • Gloriamindock200x274.thumb
    Gloria Mindock
    Feb 20, 03:22pm

    Whoops, lost some of my post. should say:
    "...with so many wonderful writers!"

    Forgive the typo. I typed quickly and didn't recheck.

  • Flawntnewsmall.thumb
    Finnegan Flawnt
    Feb 24, 01:09pm

    voice: hi, is that finnegan flawnt?

    ff: yes. who's there?

    voice: this is A.M. i'm an associate editor at the [magazine you'd kill to be in]*.

    ff: huh.

    voice: we've received your story and we think it's great. we'd love to publish this.

    ff: huh?

    voice: we did a routine google search and your story is listed as having been published at fictionaut.

    ff: huh.

    voice: we noticed it received 20 favs, among them very astute and interesting comments. we were wondering if we could print some of those comments as well.

    ff: i'm not sure.

    voice: it would be great if you could get us an invite to fictionaut.

    ff: but i don't know you at all.

    voice: please?

    ff: let me talk to my wife first.

    voice: we'd love to have our own group on fictionaut. this way, you could do something for the community. [mumbling in background] oh yes, and we'll print another story by you if you get us that invite!

    ff: huh.

    * like The New Yorker in my case. because i am a reincarnation of dorothy parker bar the booze.

  • Me_011.thumb
    Jennifer L. Lopez
    Mar 19, 08:04pm

    Another question in a similar vein of thought.... (forgive me if was already asked/answered previously - i didn't trawl back through the forums to see)

    I'd like all registered members of fictionaut to be able to read my stories, but don't want those pages to show up on google or other search engines. Is that possible? Am I correct in thinking that the private group option is if i only want to share the story with particular f'naut groups (I'm not a member of any) and not the answer to my question?

    If there's no privacy setting for viewing only by logged-in members, I'd like to suggest one. Thanks!

  • Estelle_bruno.thumb
    Estelle Bruno
    Mar 21, 07:41am

    Finnegan, I want to be a reincarnation of Edith Wharton! Can we be friends.?

  • Flawntnewsmall.thumb
    Finnegan Flawnt
    Mar 21, 02:31pm

    Estelle, let me talk to Ms Flawnt first.

  • Nv_kid.thumb
    Ramon Collins
    Mar 21, 05:53pm

    I think the e-zine rule is, generally, stories are never considered "published" on a password or workshop site.

  • Me_011.thumb
    Jennifer L. Lopez
    Mar 26, 10:58am

    true, ramon, that's what i've heard too. although i've alway thought "password protected" sites generally meant one couldn't see the material without a password... haha. guess not.

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