Forum / "Portable MFA" available FREE on Kindle

  • Fb_fanpage2.thumb
    George LaCas
    Aug 16, 09:56pm

    Check this out, folks - currently free on Amazon, for Kindle (and you can get a free Kindle app for your PC).

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Aug 16, 11:23pm

    So, those two+ years I spent being mentored by real poets and fiction writers in a skin and bones program were for naught? All those workshop hours and nasty critiques were simply a fool's errand--those lasting contacts meaningless? I will kill myself. Only in America could we hope to achieve our goals via a free Kindle edition... ; )

  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    Aug 17, 02:25am

    Intelligence? Creativity? Genius? Talent? Craft? Wisdom? Humanity? Experience?

    "There's an app for that..."

    God bless Amur'ca!!

  • Mosaic_man_marcus.thumb
    Marcus Speh
    Aug 17, 05:17am

    calm yourselves, lest you be called dull dinosaurs by the <a href="">digital natives</a> who constitute a larger and larger part of your audience: this is just a book with a samsonite title. just a book. the electronic version of a book, which you can also buy on paper. in fact, in europe you cannot get the kindle version of it. figures, because we also don't do MFAs (or rather, our writers don't usually have them, so we're more relaxed perhaps).

    (i'm writing this shortly before my morning writing session on a mechanical typewriter, an olivetti lettera 32 so don't call me because i won't hear the phone. seriously, i write all my stuff on that thing first).

    love my kindle, too...

  • Me2.thumb
    Lynn Beighley
    Aug 17, 01:10pm

    Does this "Portable MFA" offer the skin on your right arm the radiant warmth of a large fleshy poet sitting next to you at a table as you toast each other with shots of Jameson? Or provoke you with micro tears you must covertly brush away when you hear something read by a nondescript bespectacled woman, all quavery voice? Or whisper to you the suspicion that sometimes, when the stars align, when the barometric pressure is ideal, when your hair is just so, you can string words together pretty damn well?

    Because that would be neat.

  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    Aug 17, 03:00pm

    Lynn ... perfect.

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