Mia Eaton

Location Brooklyn
Website http://mintjelly.com
IM (AIM) VictoriaMia

About Me

Hmm, for some reason my occupation isn't sticking in the profile.

I'm a nonfiction writer and web developer. Functioning as a diplomat between internetty and bookish types makes me very happy.

I'm also prose editor for LIT magazine, the journal of The New School's MFA in creative writing program, always looking for outstanding fiction and nonfiction submissions.

I want my literary friends to get as much out of the internet as I do, and I want to share my love of books and writing with my internet friends. Since all my friends are smart and awesome, I have the best of both worlds.

Why do you write?

I'm inspired in a rather cross-platform way. Hand-typing code that fleshes out a web page feels to me like knitting. Sewing the spine of a book, or stitching a little creature out of old fabric, makes me want to go online to share it with my friends.

There's nothing you can't learn on the internet. That fact alone is inspiring.

Any favorite authors? Books?

Sheeze, so many. I'll have to finish filling this out later.

Mia Eaton's Wall

Darryl Price – Aug 31, 2009

Internetty is a very fun word. You might end up in the dictionary with Colbert!

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