Cloud Spurlock

Location Fairfax, VA
Occupation Receptionista

Why do you write?

Artifacts fuel my creativity. I write in order to expand my own perspective, toy with new ideas, create new worlds, and reframe reality to highlight its inconsistencies--ironies, hypocrisies, cliches, and false expectations. The big picture takes priority, but the microcosm tends to be what comes out.

I write to evolve. I write to incite. I write to become a better reader.

Any favorite authors? Books?

Borges, Calvino, Rabbelais, Palahniuk, Vonnegut, The Odyssey, King Lear, Taming, Woolf, One Hundred Years of Solitude

Cloud Spurlock's Wall

Robert Vaughan – Jun 08, 2011

Welcome to Fictionaut, Cloud!

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