A short story collection about a 90s band named Needlefish
Going to film school
Not using my given name
Hating more than I love
Adopting a giant rabbit to save it from becoming dinner
Not realizing my potential sooner
Letting other people dictate who I really am
Getting into Breaking Bad years too late
Thinking I had a handle on things
Not leaving sooner
Not listening
Not seeing what was always there
Taking a lax position on drugs and alcohol
Not designating a driver
Cutting ties too soon, or not soon enough
Not punching that bitch in the jaw when I had the chance to
Not leaving sooner
Being happy
Being content
Pretending to be something I wasn't
Neglecting ketchup for 33 years
This is excellent. Love that last line. *
Never ever read a better piece on bad ideas. *
Thank you both!!!
The longer you live, the longer the list.*
"Not punching that bitch in the jaw..." haven't we all been there? This is strong and relatable. Good job.
I agree with Gita..it's very strong. Nicely done.
Thanks to everyone for reading.