Initial doubts
by Sandra Davies
"Gran, you're not listening ... I didn't say his name was Bud, I said his initials were Bud - B. U. D., same as my initials. And anyway you can be called Bud, strange as it sounds: it's a name in America - wasn't there someone called Bud Flanagan or something?"
She looked back over her shoulder at her grandmother, sat at the table doing the 'Times' crossword, and trying to beat her self-imposed thirty minute deadline, then turned back to the task in hand: getting the fire going, the wind was in the east and it was hard to get it to draw, despite sitting there with a newspaper held up against the chimney breast for what had seemed ages.
"Well what is his name then, what do the initials stand for?"
"Benedict Ulrich Dohl - his father's father was German apparently."
"Well, you certainly can't be marrying him then .. "
" Whyever not? - not that I've any intention of doing so, for heaven's sake! - stop trying to marry me off to every bloke I mention ... but why not this chap?"
"Because with your name - Barbara - you'll become a Barbie Dohl," and Rose triumphantly laid down her pen. "Finished! Finished in 28 minutes - and that newspaper's going to burn if you're not careful."

This is nice, and a good play on/with title.
("chimney breast"--what would a translation be?)
Ha! - I never realised that 'chimney breast' was so English - it's the wall between room and chimney which sometimes, but not always, sticks out into the room. How odd - I'd never thought to try and define it until now. Thank you Matt.
That's okay, luv.
(Is that how ya'll spell it, "luv"?)
luv'll do nicely thanks!