Silly Sad Sausage

by Poppy Days

Once upon a time there was this Sausage running down the street with a red hat on. Everybody was looking at her, 

“Look at that Sausage, so funny!” ,  the kids would point out.

Suddenly there is a tram passing by and kills the Sausage. One could see bits and pieces of meat all over. On the ground there was still some mustard spread. 
It was a sad end to the Sausage. The kids were now staring at her with their hands covering their mouth. They were shocked.

“What was she thinking to cross the street like that?”, asked Libelium.
“I don't know, but that's  a helluva Silly Sausage I have to say”, his friend said.
“Come on, lets eat a burger in McVille.” 

And off they went down the road with their backpacks bouncing as they walked.