Shits and Crazies- a Pas de Deux
by Gary Hardaway
Dreaming of Revenge, Served Cold
If I were a hacker,
incredibly quick and sly,
I'd fuck a few people up
but good
then fuck 'em up
for good measure.
I'm a vengeful shit,
of modern skills, alas.
Otherwise, I'd be
a bona fide terror,
taking out my enemies
without a single
drop of blood.
Alone and Incompetent
Anson Chi
tried to kill my wife
myself, my neighbors
but failed last week,
alone and incompetent,
blowing away his eye
some fingers
nothing else
with his pipe bomb
unlike Tim McVeigh,
whose ashes mould
beneath the clay
wherever his lawyer laid them,
who had both friends
and expertise.
Yes yes yes. *
Edgy. I like it.
Thank you, Valerie and Steven.
Thank you very much.
I like how the first pieces colors the reading of the second. Chilling. *
nice! disturbing in the best of ways.
Two portrayals of incompetant hatred and violence, comparing violence throught hacking through actual live hacking. Potent.
Not my kind of poem(s), yet I want to read everything in the M ILLNESS group and thank you for sending it. Tina Barry's comment about the pairing seems right.
A double sucker-punch. Ouch.
Thanks, Tina. I appreciate your response to these.
Thanks, James.
Thank you Gloria, for reading and remarking.
Thanks for reading, Ann.
Sally, I appreciate your time and comment.
Good, scarry, mental like the group you justifiably placed it. Well done Gary.
Thank you, Clark.
I especially liked the first one, but also liked how pairing it with the second made the second stronger.
Thanks, Gary.
"I'm a vengeful shit,"
Raw and accessible.