You slipped me the key
As if it opened any doors
You'd always made sure I knew they were
Some flung far
too wide, too soon
Others you'd just barely crack,
us to enter
But we needed the magic word
You'd brag about blowing up your life
Like people were cars needed for special effects in your action movie
Then turn around and cry out
For protection
From the corpses you'd charred
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72 words
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A piece about a former friend. Mental health needs care.
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loving this :)
Love the turns, the movement.
"You'd brag about blowing up your life "
Sad beyond sad.
Thanks for sharing this.
We need the magic word!*
"Some flung far
too wide, too soon
Others you'd just barely crack"
Good movement here.
There's a starkness in the second stanza that's very effective. This is a good poem. *
Thank you, Valerie and Dianne and Bill and Tim and Sam. I appreciate you all!
I had a friend like this. You described a whole lot in a few words. Very well written!
"You'd brag about blowing up your life
Like people were cars needed for special effects in your action movie