This is for all Iowa Writers, past and present, fictiony, nonfictiony, poemy, and translationy. Think of it kind of as the Anthology of online writing communities...
Speaking of Anthology, where are Cutter and Amanda? They need to be on here.
Thanks for joining. See you around the 'Naut.
Hi Rachel! If you'd modify your group description to include Iowa English majors, I could join. Back in the eighties, we undergrads took all our fiction classes from workshop students, attended readings with them, and generally fraternized... and some undergrads were fantastic writers, too. Just sayin'. Nice cornfield you've got there! Best, Richard
Well then, let's include Iowa English majors, too!!
Oh, it worked! Thanks for inviting me. --Richard
This group features writing from students in the University of Iowa's Writers' Workshop and Nonfiction Writing Program. is a protected group.
You have to be invited in order to join.