Discussion → Doormat for Hidden Workshop

  • Pic_dl_95.thumb
    Dorothee Lang
    Dec 11, 12:41am

    Hi Tiffany ~
    check your mail for an invite to the Hidden Workshop. about the poems: you can also add both. it seems to be poetry time, there is another poem up in the hidden workshop right now, too. welcome!

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    Matt Dennison
    Dec 13, 06:08pm


    I believe I joined the hidden workshop via invite from another member (whose story I saw there), but don't see how to access it again.

    Do you see me as being signed up, or do I need another invite?


  • Pic_dl_95.thumb
    Dorothee Lang
    Dec 14, 06:29am

    Hi Matt, i just checked: you appear on the "member"-list of the Hidden Workshop.

    here's how to get there:

    -- go to "You" (top right)
    -- then, in "You", go to "Your Groups"
    -- and then click on "Hidden Workshop" in your group list.

    let me know if you have any difficulties getting in.

  • 2161777446_a91102ea45.thumb
    Matt Dennison
    Dec 14, 09:07pm


    Still doesn't show icon for HW.

  • Image.bedroom.009.expose.thumb
    Ann Bogle
    Dec 14, 09:33pm

    The first story I submitted to Fictionaut (in July 2009) is called "Dumb Luck." I'd like to try a version of it without using its current format of little chapters. Since no one who commented on the story then mentioned disliking the format, I worry a little that I will ruin it if I change it too much. The story as it is runs 20 ms. pp.; removing the sections would shorten it. The word count is 3,870. I'd rather try this in the hidden workshop. Thanks.

  • Image.bedroom.009.expose.thumb
    Ann Bogle
    Dec 14, 11:27pm

    In fact, the story is 24 ms. pp. I just tried to relieve it of its little chapters and photos (from the internet of objects mentioned in the story), and the story crumbled. Not-do. There may be something I can work in the fifth position (what I call the fifth position, the penultimate status point or station) to deepen the sixth position or end. For that, hidden workshop.

  • Pic_dl_95.thumb
    Dorothee Lang
    Dec 15, 07:42am

    Hi Ann ~ i just sent you an invite.

    Hi Matt ~ i now sent you a second invite, your name also shows on the "recent activities list" -- i will message you the direct workshop link, too, just in case the icon still remains 'hidden' for you.

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    Chris Tarry
    Dec 21, 09:15am

    Would love an invite to the Hidden Workshop.


  • Pic_dl_95.thumb
    Dorothee Lang
    Dec 21, 09:37am

    hi Chris ~
    your invite is waiting in your mail!

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    Barry Friesen
    Feb 10, 07:37pm

    Would love an invite to the Hidden Workshop, too. Many thanks.

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    Bobbi Lurie
    Feb 24, 11:16am

    Dortothee--I would like to join this workshop.
    There are pieces I do not feel ready to show entire group.
    They could use criticism and work. I am only beginning to
    write fiction. thank you--Bobbi

  • Michaeljsolender-headshot1.thumb
    Michael J. Solender
    May 19, 07:40pm

    I have a story, 2k words that I've been working on for quite a while. I don't want to make it public but desperately want feedback and suggestions as to appropriate venues.

  • Ethos_panelist_kolkata_2019_bxw.thumb
    Oct 05, 01:52am


    I just joined. I'm also very new to Fictionaut and have not yet posted any stories, though intend to soon. I'd appreciate an invitation to the Hidden Workshop.

    Thank you.



  • Dark.thumb
    Oct 16, 07:21pm

    I just joined fictionaut and am running into a complete almost nonresponse on autobiographical/memoir type piece. Someone responded enough today to convince me it's probably not ready for the wider world. My first couple of fiction pieces did OK, but I still think it would be smart to have a place to work on my stuff first before posting. I'm quite sensitive to the sound of crickets. Thanks for considering my case.

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    Beverly Akerman
    Dec 13, 03:11pm

    Hi Dorothee

    Would love an invite to the Hidden Workshop...

    Thanks and all best,

    Bev Akerman

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    Jennifer Solheim
    Jun 22, 11:19pm

    Hi - I have a chapter of my novel that I'm tinkering with as a stand-alone short story, and would like to add it to the Hidden Workshop. I haven't yet posted the chapter - when I receive the invite, can I post the chapter to the Hidden Workshop alone? Thanks! Jennifer

  • 100722-183348.thumb
    Neil Serven
    Nov 04, 01:12am


    Is the Hidden Workshop group still active? If so I would like an invite, please. I've got a piece (1,500 words) that has promise but needs a little help.


  • Mia_avramut.thumb
    Mia Avramut
    Jun 05, 08:17pm

    May I join the Hidden Workshop?
    Thanks much,

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    Lillian Ann Slugocki
    Jul 20, 07:19pm

    Would love to have an invite, working on new novel, thanks!

  • Robin Graham
    Aug 31, 09:12am

    Could I get an invite to the hidden workshop? I have a story nobody has yet seen and feedback of whatever kind would be welcome.

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