One of the problems it seems literary journals continually run into--especially with distribution being a real mess in most instances--is getting their books into stores and on shelves. Monkeybicycle, for instance, is only in a handful of stores around the country and would certainly benefit--as would all lit journals--from sitting on a few more shelves. So, if you know of any stores that carry lit journals in your area, why not list them here and all of us who have great books that need to get into more hands can benefit from your information.
Quimby's stocks Pank.
And I've seen Hobart stocked at both the Book Cellar (where Aaron did a reading a few months ago) and Women and Children First (feminist bookstore where Jac Jemc works).
Skylight Books in Los Angeles. They were the first store to order Flatmancrooked's FIRST WINTER.
Thanks guys. I'm going to compile a list of these and make it available to everyone. Maybe Monkeybicycle is the only journal looking for more stores to get into, but either way it's good information to offer up to everyone.
I was going to say Quimby's, but Tim has me beat. I think that Unabridged might, if they were asked.
true, I forget about unabridged... and what about Seminary Co-op? I'm never in Hyde Park so don't know abt their lit journal stock, but they've got a rich history as an indie.
I've never been there. Mayhaps.
Are a lot of the editors in this group working with distributors if you have a print issue? Or do you work on consignment with individual stores? If you're using a distributor, who are you going through?
We went with Last Gasp once, which was a disaster. Never got paid, they never put much effort into placing the copies anywhere (though they did put it in Pegasus/Pendragon, in Berkeley, after which we started dealing direct). With most stores we deal with, we don't do consignment -- actually, I think we only did consignment once, and I didn't like it, so we have direct relationships with the stores that carry us, which results in more money coming back to us, and not to a distributor. It probably goes without saying that Kevin Sampsell over at Powell's is really great and easy to work with, and Clay at Pegasus (though he's now with SPD) was also a breeze and joy to deal with.
I don't have the complete list of the stores we deal with right here with me, but our best experience has been with direct contact, and invoices. Stores that are close enough (in-state -- that state being Arizona) I just drop things off in person, and they most often cut a check while I'm there.
So I guess I'm saying contact the stores directly, in person if possible, and don't do consignment.
I should clarify -- we did eventually get paid by Last Gasp, and then almost three years later we got the remainder of the unsold stock we'd handed over to them -- which, I feel I must snottily mention, we unloaded in a couple weeks, when they were unable (unwilling) to do it at all. So it's not that they didn't pay, it's that they were impossible to work with and... and I don't know. It may have been personal. We did one of our less successful in-person delivery things with them. Likely unmade some friends.
I've kind of dealt with something similar recently, Drew. That's what prompted this thread. I was approached by Borders about them carrying Monkeybicycle, and they get their periodicals through SourceInterlink. So, I signed up with them (had to ditch the ISBN number and switch it to a periodical Bipad number so they could carry it in their magazine section, which took a long time and made it so that the book couldn't be listed on Amazon) and they told me it took 12 weeks to place the book. Five months came and went and none of my emails were answered, so now I've given up on distribution and really want to get the books into stores through direct contact. That's why I'm trying to find the stores that carry lit journals. It'll be a bit of a pain keeping track of all of them--especially in the places I can't just walk in and check on stock and sales--but I try to keep good records, so we'll see.
If I remember right, Monkeybicycle has some roots in Seattle, so I suspect you already know the places here, but just in case... Elliot Bay, for sure. University Book Store, I'm not positive, but considering Matt Simmons works there, that'd seem like a good bet. I suspect Third Place would be a good possibility, too.
The U Bookstore is great. I had the first three issues at Elliott Bay, but since I'm not local anymore, they seem a little more reluctant to work with me. I think I'll try them again with the upcoming issue though. I do have it at Pilot Books in Capitol Hill, too. I haven't tried Third Place, but I'm going to now. Thanks!
I was also going to suggest Bailey Coy, but I see that they're going out of business, damnitall.
Oh no! Sad to see them go. I didn't think they had as much of a selection as some of the other stores in Seattle, but I really enjoyed being in that store.
The Chicago-Main Newsstand in Evanston, IL (Northwestern U.) carries a selection of about 30 journals or so (, including many I've never seen anywhere else.
Thanks so much, Michael. I'm going to drop them a line right now.
In Brooklyn - BookCourt, Word, Spoonbill and Sugartown.
Thanks, Kathryn! I'll add those to my list.
Monkeybicycle is a literary journal and Web site. We love your writing.
http://www.monkeybicycle.netThis is a public group.
Anyone can see it and join.