Forum / Help with loading stories

  • Shawn Faulkner
    Nov 25, 09:52am

    I'm new to the site and am having trouble uploading a story. For some reason, the site continues to cut off the last few pages of the story when I publish it . . . does anyone have any suggestions?


  • Author_wide.thumb
    Jürgen Fauth
    Nov 25, 02:14pm

    It's possible that invisible control characters in Word are causing this. You could try saving the file as "text-only" & reopen it to get rid of them.

  • Headshot_2_of_gay.thumb
    Gay Degani
    Nov 28, 12:38pm

    I've had that happen too but I have another question. I've uploaded four stories here but only three come up attached to my name. What I mean is if you go to one story, it only lists two others and not the fourth.

    I've tried republishing the fourth but it doesn't solve the problem.

    I can see "The Breach" on my list of stories at my profile on the left along with "One Question," "Monsoon," and "Losing Ground," but no where else does "The Breach" show up on a list with the others.

    Anyone have this problem???

  • Author_wide.thumb
    Jürgen Fauth
    Nov 29, 03:25pm

    Gay, I believe the list of "other stories" on the story pages only shows the three most popular ones. The list on your profile is supposed to show everything.

  • Headshot_2_of_gay.thumb
    Gay Degani
    Nov 30, 06:47pm

    Ahhhhh, that explains it. Thank you. I can relax now. Hahaha.

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