Forum / Sausage Fest & Copyright Restrictions

  • Lotsofpics_021.thumb
    Loren Swan
    Oct 07, 11:19am

    Everybody knows what a sausage fest is right? You head out to the party, you pick up some drinks and snacks and happily enter, only to find there are no chicks. The party is a total dud.

    I'm not much for talking with other writers. No offense. It just doesn't get it up for me.

    Also, what is the site doing to protect the readers and writers legally from plagarism?

    it's been coo'
    peace out sketchers

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    Jürgen Fauth
    Oct 07, 11:32am

    Hi Loren, welcome to F'naut. There are plenty of Fictionauts of the female persuasion, if you take a look around.

    As for copyright concerns: anything you post here belongs to you and is protected with an "all rights reserved" copyright by default. If you like, you can also choose Creative Commons licenses for your work.

    Hope that helps. Enjoy--

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    Craig Snyder
    Oct 08, 10:07am

    You don't want to talk to other writers but you join a community composed of writers. That's funny.

  • Lotsofpics_021.thumb
    Loren Swan
    Oct 14, 09:59am

    look, someone gets what I said. thanks Craig. that's nice. I thought the point of fictionaut is to get your material read by the public by recruiting writers, readers and editors, so what is the mission of fictionaut then? for a bunch of writers to pat each other on the backs and judge each other in their secret covenant of literary oblivion?

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    Ben White
    Oct 14, 10:14pm

    Fictionaut is open to the public. Therefore it's a nonsecret covenant of literary oblivion.

  • Ae_in57olds.thumb
    Andrew Edwards
    Oct 19, 07:53am

    Copyright becomes complex in a digital world, doesn't it?

    It used to be so much easier to control--you had books, you had magazines, you had objects that people bought and paid for (and if caught stealing, would be arrested). But you also had tight corporate control of distribution.

    Now, "information wants to be free". Is the medium the message? Has the market defeated copyright? I don't know.

    I do know the record industry is on its way to becoming defunct, but that's not a perfect parallel to the "writing industry". . .

    In any case:

    Horse out of barn. No use shutting door.

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