Forum / Walter de la Mare/BBC Radio

  • Photo_00020.thumb
    Sep 21, 07:11pm

    If you recall the name "Walter de la Mare" from either Dylan Thomas's 1946 essay (conveniently located in Quite Early One Morning) or from some high school or middle school anthology, you may care to check out at least three readings found online courtesy of BBC Radio.

    This link is for a reading of a condensed version of his atmospheric tale "Crewe" (cited in Thomas's essay):

    I've found a couple of de la Mare's stories in two anthologies on my shelves, including "Seaton's Aunt" (not yet read), which is one of at least two others available online from BBC Radio.

  • Mugshotme_(3).thumb
    Mathew Paust
    Sep 21, 08:09pm

    Good catch. Thanks for posting!

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