Am summoning the courage to publish on other sites besides this one, but most do not want previously published work. Most of what I've written I've posted on fictionaut. Anyone have any suggestions?
Darryl and Arturo were gracious to publish two of my pieces I put on fictionaut.
Not sure Fictionaut counts in that regard, so long as the work is not currently on this site. And then I should think the main concern is whether money's involved. If the other sites aren't paying, I wouldn't worry.
kitty--i use this site to try out stuff, see what's working, what's not. If a story or poem seems to be working well, I make it PRIVATE on fictionaut---then feel free to submit it elsewhere, for sale.
Thank you, Matt and Gary for the info and advice.
I was wondering about Kitt's question as well.
Thanks you guys.