A Silicon Valley survey by The Atlantic, published in its November issue, found the “greatest work of science fiction ever written” to be Asimov's FOUNDATION novels. For their next choice the techie nerds picked HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY. If Fred Hoyle's THE BLACK CLOUD got any votes its total would have come in somewhere behind STAR WARS, which captured the only honorable mention... [think you can handle more? http://tinyurl.com/pbdmdcp]
Always been partial to The Sparrow
Novel by Mary Doria Russell, but I would also choose Ubik by PKD.
You keep coming up with new names for me. And I can't ignore them because Leonard Michaels was epiphanic. Oh, wait, PKD. Of course. Haven't read much of his stuff. Might still have an old paperback of his stories around. I'll hunt down Ubik. Russell, too. Thanks.
The Dune books, and Star Maker and Last and First Men by Olaf Stapledon should via for position in any such list.
Is Huxley in there? Or is he science fact?
Hey, I ain't no scifi guy.
Sorry, Adam, not a zombie in sight.