Forum / "This song is one of my favorites. I think it sparkles."

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    "On tour in '92 with the Bats[*], his other bands are The Clean, Magick Heads and Electric Blood; Robert Scott is my oldest and dearest New Zealand pal. When he's in town, he stays with me. He wrote this song for me while I was in the other room having a nap. He taught it to me when I woke up, and he even called me while he was still on tour (in France, I think) to ask if I'd recorded it yet. I got right on it!

    "Recorded 3 1/2 months after 'I Love You 1000 Ways' at the same place with the same people. Tony Rojas sings along with me on the chorus because he has such a great voice. I really love the drumming by Ben Green. This song is one of my favorites. I think it sparkles. The fine artwork on this single was designed and individually hand printed by my friend, C.O.N. Artist, Kristin Anderson. The cover is a print of an unusual plant and its special roots. According to the book, Plants of the Gods: Mandrake (Mandragora officinarum), "the man-like plant," has complex history of usage. In Europe, it was employed as a stupifacient in addition to being one of the strongest ingredients added to the brews concocted by witches of the Middle Ages. The root of the Mandrake was likened to the form of a man or woman, and according to superstition, if the plant were pulled from the earth, its shrieks could drive the collectors mad."

    —Barbara Manning, in the liner notes to "Under One Roof: Singles and Oddities" on her song, "B4 We Go Under," which I've video-ed (with link to Amazon for purchase!) here:

    [*] The Bats No. 1 single, smash-sensation, coast-to-coast (or, at least, SHOULDA been!):!/s/Block+Of+Wood/37Q61R?src=5

  • Mugshotme_(3).thumb
    Mathew Paust
    Mar 10, 06:13pm

    I was liking it...until my Adobe crashed. Voices blend well and, yes, it does sparkle. I like "B4 We Go Under" too. Barbara Manning's velvet voice is easy cool.

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