My Early Thirties
Congrats, Nonnie!
Good news, Nonnie.
Way to go!
Pank is showing no failure in guidance or taste on this one! This is hyper-inductive. It causes reading. ~AMB
I do know what to say because no one hit me.
Yet someone lobbed a softball to my forehead pronounced "cunt" and then I acted on it and made a trailer out of it and then he tried "asshole," a softball to the forehead not tied to cunt. And the other words followed from his pitcher's mound, one softball at a time to the forehead, and my knees knocked, and my boots knocked, and girls said I was mean, and boys said it must be I was on drugs. And I can't squeeze into _Pank_ with my best work so I'll not try with my notes, but I get this story!
I just now read it. Powerful story. I hope it's fiction.
It's great. I'm with Ann, Pank won't touch anything I write. It all stinks like shit on a stick for them. Onward. Pankless. Congrats, Nonnie!
Any of you had luck with Glimmer? Kathy Fish is the only Fictionaut writer I know of who has broken into that venue.
Thank you, my dears. And no, Matt. Glimmer and I have not had even a passing acquaintance. xxoononnie