Personally, I don't think there's a place for it. If I can't see Moe poking Curly in the eye, then I'm not laughing.
Humor is actually a Latin word, meaning "Humor." It can also mean "Humorous."
Latina was a country so humorless, that it died from boredom, leaving only a dead language and a few nerdy Latin teachers.
So, if the country that invented humor couldn't do it, what makes you think you can?
Comedy is a thing hard to do well. Writing and acting.
Actually comedy was invented by the Greeks, who not incidentally invented everything else:tragedy, philosophy, science, Homer, fire, the wheel and the non-stick bandaid.
Romeo Laterus, a farmer in a village, just outside of Latina in 1244 BCE, slipped on a papaya peel in the middle of a busy market place, inventing the first sight gag and what many imaginary scholars consider to be the birth of comedy.
The misplaced comma is the height of comedic genius in some circles, btw.
Nothing in this forum thus far is even remotely funny, btw. In case you were wondering. But I'm working on something...
Oh, one question: is it "duh" or "doh"? And why.