Forum / Is it my browser?

  • Best_guy_ever.thumb
    Jul 09, 05:56am

    Can't access the main page.

    Anyone else?

  • Photo_on_2-20-16_at_8.24_pm__3.thumb
    Amanda Harris
    Jul 09, 01:48pm

    Can't see it either...

  • Angelcity1.thumb
    Chris Okum
    Jul 09, 04:03pm

    Is this it? Is it time to evacuate?

  • 62698557287.thumb
    Matthew Robinson
    Jul 09, 04:12pm

    Not working for me, either. Had to go directly to my profile page to access the site and navigate using the links atop the page. Supposedly this is an easy glitch to fix, just somebody's gotta get ahold of Carson, which is not always so easy?

  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    Jul 09, 10:22pm

    I sent Carson an e-mail early yesterday. A proper e-mail. Not through the Fnaut messaging system. Which is probably not working again.

    Until it's fixed, I'm essentially out. Too difficult navigating the site.

  • White.thumb
    Henry Standing Bear
    Jul 10, 12:28am

    It may well be quirky cause they're in there in the guts of the things working on some of the problems? Or maybe wishful thinking. Who knows? We still have a few corners to hunker down and talk, at least.

  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    Jul 10, 04:14am

    This happens every time Carson works on the code. It seems to be working now, but he did say he was going to do some updates.

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