Forum / Runner up stories of the Fourteenth Glass Woman Prize

  • Beate_close-up-0334_copy_(1).thumb
    Beate Sigriddaughter
    Oct 27, 09:38pm

    Fictionaut member Cezarija Abartis's story "The Argument" and sometimes Fictionaut member Roberta Chloe Verdant's story "The Wrong King of Silence" were the runner up winners of the Fourteenth Glass Woman Prize. Congratulations to both. While these stories are not currently on Fictionaut, you can find them here:

  • Frankie Saxx
    Oct 28, 10:48am

    Nice! Thanks for the link. I love Cezarija's work & am new to Roberta Verdant's.

  • Cezarija Abartis
    Oct 28, 12:15pm

    Wow. Thank you. It's gratifying.

  • Photo_on_2012-05-10_at_10.25.thumb
    Susan Gibb
    Oct 30, 01:44pm

    Great, well-told stories, both. Congratulations to Roberta and Cerzarija!

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    Carol Reid
    Oct 30, 03:28pm

    Susan, Cezaria, Roberta, Beate, thanks. It's great to hear your voices and stories.

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