Forum / Editorially

  • Frankie Saxx
    Sep 21, 07:39pm

    I have been looking for an online "in the cloud" writing thingy for a while. I find Google docs clumsy and confusing. Editorially, so far, is much nicer. Clean, intuitive interface. It can import plain .txt and markdown files. (I love markdown. So much easier and cleaner looking to write than HTML.) It's easy to export for offline use & backups, and it keeps a revision history.

    I haven't tried out the social features because I don't know anyone else using it. Any of you guys using it?

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    Adam Sifre
    Sep 22, 02:52am

    I just signed up for it. Now I have to figure out what it is.

  • Frankie Saxx
    Sep 22, 07:31am

    Another tool in my arsenal of distraction!

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