Forum / Why do independent authors have such a bad rep?

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    Adam Sifre
    Sep 20, 08:06pm

    Come on. Is that really a question you can't answer.

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    mxi wodd
    Sep 20, 08:16pm

    That's an question I can answer about *you* just not the over-reaching categorization of "independent authors."

    Before your absence (glad you hear you're healing up/moving on after your *event*) you were intentionally insulting to everyone who reached out to you.

    Never acknowledging anyone who responded to your forum posts/stories.

    But I'm glad to see *you* back.

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    James Lloyd Davis
    Sep 20, 08:21pm

    Your icon. Is that a sock puppet?

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    mxi wodd
    Sep 20, 08:27pm

    final question to you:

    must you act like a complete dick-wad in every manifestation?

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    mxi wodd
    Sep 20, 08:32pm

    "But I'm glad to see *you* back."

    For your work.

    That's all I care about.

  • Frankie Saxx
    Sep 20, 08:48pm

    Adam, are you causing trouble again?

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    mxi wodd
    Sep 20, 09:15pm

    "must you act like a complete dick-wad in every manifestation?"

    Your work doesn't justify it.

  • Frankie Saxx
    Sep 20, 10:02pm

    I'm confused. Did Adam really pee in your Cheerios, Dawg, or are these love bites?

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    mxi wodd
    Sep 20, 10:15pm

    I just think he could do so much more here.

    RESPOND to comments.
    RESPOND to forum posts (of his own making).

    RESPOND to other writers' work.

    You know, just be a guy.


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    mxi wodd
    Sep 20, 10:16pm

    (instead of a stylized aggressor)

  • Frankie Saxx
    Sep 20, 10:28pm

    I should check my stuff & see if there are any comments I missed so I don't get a flogging. Not that there's anything wrong with floggings, if you like that kind of thing.

    (I think he's joking.)

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    mxi wodd
    Sep 20, 10:30pm

    gotta establish a bedrock of goodwill first


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    mxi wodd
    Sep 20, 10:32pm

    can't just an outright dick at first.

    that takes tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime...


  • Frankie Saxx
    Sep 20, 10:37pm

    And anyway, we all know that independent authors have a bad rep because of underhanded tactics and propaganda disseminated by the established publishing-industrial complex trying to shut down the competition. Twitter rumors say Edward Snowden is holding onto a document that proves at least half of the big however many paid telecom sweatshops on the subcontinent a dollar a post to leave bad reviews and one star independent books on Amazon and that "meltdowns" where independent authors insult and abuse reviewers are faked harder than the moon landing. He won't release it though. Too inflamatory.

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    mxi wodd
    Sep 21, 04:31am

    Well there you go. Frankie "Just a Guy" Sachs*

    --Edward Snowden

    *and that's a compliment

    (from me)

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    mxi wodd
    Sep 21, 05:01am

    ((to you))

  • Letitia_coyne.thumb
    Letitia Coyne
    Sep 21, 05:10am

    Wow. You don't know how much you don't know until you find out, huh.


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    Adam Sifre
    Sep 21, 02:39pm

    This is me responding.
    Now you can love me again.

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    Adam Sifre
    Sep 21, 02:40pm

    As far as the intent of this particular forum topic goes, if you can't laugh at yourself, you can at least laugh at someone else.

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    mxi wodd
    Sep 21, 06:32pm

    "Now you can love me again."

    I like your wit and sharp mind.

  • 028934-753x1024.thumb
    mxi wodd
    Sep 21, 06:36pm

    So share it do it be it.

  • Frankie Saxx
    Sep 22, 08:03am

    Hehe. It's starting to sound like a Nike commercial in here. Now we just some close ups of sweat rolling down the backs of hairless, muscled calves. The leg kind, not the cow kind.

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    Adam Sifre
    Sep 22, 10:26am

    I picture a handsome, sweaty sock puppet banging it's head against the keyboard.

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