Forum / 50 Reasons not to date a poet

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    Charlotte Hamrick
    Aug 13, 03:12am
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    mxi wodd
    Aug 13, 03:42am

    I collect words, stamps, AND coins...


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    Sally Houtman
    Aug 13, 04:06am

    Holy guacamole.

    "They have deep conversations with Animals, clouds, birds and Grecian Urns."

    She says that like it's a *bad* thing...


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    Charlotte Hamrick
    Aug 13, 04:31am

    "You will never know if they agree with you or are just following you down the rabbit hole to see how crazy you are."

    Oh. Yeah.

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    Sally Houtman
    Aug 13, 04:54am

    I have been known, on more than one occasion, to stay on a bus or train well past my stop just to listen to someone engaged in a lively dialog with self, quite literally following them down the rabbit hole.

    Does that make me a poet?


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    Kait Mauro
    Aug 18, 08:35pm

    Number 8, yes. Number 16, not so secretly sometimes.

    Thanks for sharing this. :)

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    Barry Basden
    Aug 18, 09:46pm

    Knowing I'm a writer, a woman giving me professional advice on my recent move said, "If I was you..." and stopped. Then she began again, "If I were you..." She stopped again and looked at me.

    I said nothing.

    "If I were you?" she said. "Is that right?"


    She then proceeded to give me wonderful advice, beginning with "If I were you..."

    Grammar ain't everything and I learned a long time ago not to correct anybody about it.

    Also, number 27 is a lie.

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    Aug 19, 04:15pm


    Got dandelions? Make wine, not war.

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