Forum / Books at Fictionaut

  • Image.bedroom.009.expose.thumb
    Ann Bogle
    Jun 25, 03:30am

    Christopher Allen and I take turns penning the monthly column started early last year, Books at Fictionaut. Our goal is to review books published by Fictionaut contributors, and in particular, active members. We would like to hear from newcomers and habitués alike who have published books or chapbooks or released literary CDs. Drop Chris a line at Fictionaut if you or a writer you follow have published fiction, story collections and novels, and drop me a line if you or a writer you follow have published poetry or story collections, any genre if prose. We want to give active participants a special opportunity for their work to be reviewed. Please let us know the work is out there. Thanks! ~AMB

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    Christopher Allen
    Jun 25, 04:12am

    Amen :)

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    Susan Gibb
    Jun 25, 04:16pm

    How thoughtful! And surely, helpful both to writer and reader.

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    J.A. Pak
    Jun 25, 05:00pm

    You guys are so great!

  • Frankie Saxx
    Jun 26, 09:03am

    That's a great idea. (You're just seething with them, Ann. :)

    Look forward to hearing about people's writing out in the world.

  • Image.bedroom.009.expose.thumb
    Ann Bogle
    Jun 26, 10:45am

    Seething or teaming? Seizing? Teething? It's Christopher Allen's idea, Frankie! Seeth above.

  • Image.bedroom.009.expose.thumb
    Ann Bogle
    Jun 27, 07:30am

    It looks like, for a while, we'll alternate poetry and fiction in our reviews, if not strictly. We do not wish to be hidebound. We'll strive to publish reviews in keeping with publishers' "schedules," or with books' actual release times, but our main goal is to acknowledge the books' contributions to our shelves, not only a matter of market timing but of our own timing as readers and writers.

  • Frankie Saxx
    Jun 27, 07:51am

    Looking forward to it.

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