Forum / Site suggestion: group cleanup

  • Frankie Saxx
    Jun 17, 10:35am

    Might be useful if:

    - nonexistent members are removed from a group automatically

    - groups with no members get automatically deleted (maybe prompt the last member leaving - like "are you sure you want to leave? this group will be deleted.")

    - some kind of function to pass on admin in the event the group has no admins;

    maybe automatically passing it to the next longest member (this would be easiest),

    or else an automatic voting function that asks members if they'd be willing to admin and creates a poll from the ones that say yes so group members can vote

    This is not in any way an important thing; just a thought that occurred & I slapped it up here in case any of the powers that be are looking for something to tweak sommeday. :)

  • Frankenstein-painting_brenda-kato.thumb
    Sam Rasnake
    Jun 17, 01:36pm

    Absolutely agree, Frankie.

    Let me add that I'm a member of a few groups that no longer function, but I can't delete them from my list of groups. The admins are no longer members of FN, and I need to remove them from my list, but I can't.

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    Jürgen Fauth
    Jun 17, 04:30pm

    Good ideas all around, thanks Frankie & Sam. I'll add it to the to do pile and talk it over with Carson.

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    Sally Houtman
    Jun 17, 07:39pm

    Jürgen and Carson...
    my heroes!


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    Charlotte Hamrick
    Jun 18, 02:32am

    Great ideas, @Frankie. As a newcomer I've been slightly amazed by all the seemingly inactive groups. It makes it hard to find ones that are actually active not only in submissions but in conversation.

    Another suggestion: publicize groups that are active via this forum. Slogging through them all is too time intensive.

    Thanks. :)

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